1. Cart Quantity Project

In this project, you'll learn how to dynamically update and manage the cart quantity using JavaScript. The project involves several buttons, each with its own functionality to modify the cart quantity.

2. Key Concepts:
  • JavaScript Variables
  • Increment and Decrement Operations
  • Event Listeners (using onclick attribute)
  • Console Logging for Debugging

  • 3. The Code:
    					<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>Cart Quantity</title>
        <button onclick="cartQuantity = cartQuantity;
        console.log(`Cart Quantity is ${cartQuantity}`);">Cart Quantity</button>
        <button onclick="cartQuantity++;
        console.log(`Cart Quantity is ${cartQuantity}`);">Add to Cart</button>
        <button onclick="cartQuantity = cartQuantity +2;
        console.log(`Cart Quantity is ${cartQuantity}`); ">+2</button>
        <button onclick="cartQuantity += 3;
        console.log(`cart Quantity is ${cartQuantity}`)">+3</button>
        <button onclick="cartQuantity = cartQuantity*0;
        console.log(`Cart Quantity is ${cartQuantity}`)">Reset Cart</button> <script defer src="data:text/javascript;base64,DQogICAgICAgIGxldCBjYXJ0UXVhbnRpdHkgPSAwOw0KICAgIA=="></script> </body>

    4. Project Breakdown:
    1: Cart Quantity Display Button:

    • A button to display the current quantity of items in the cart.
    • This uses console.log to show the value of the cartQuantity variable.

    2: Add to Cart Button:

    • This button increases the cart quantity by 1 each time it’s clicked using the ++ increment operator.

    3: +2 Button:

    • Increases the cart quantity by 2 each time it’s clicked.
    • Uses the addition assignment operator (+=).

    4: +3 Button:

    • Increases the cart quantity by 3 using a similar addition assignment technique.

    5: Reset Cart Button:

    • Resets the cart quantity to 0 by multiplying the current quantity by 0.

    5: JavaScript code:

    					let cartQuantity = 0; // Initializing the cart quantity
    Each button is designed to interact with this variable to modify it. The console.log statements in each button allow you to view the updated quantity in the browser's console.

    6. Learning Outcomes:

  • You'll understand how to use basic JavaScript operators to manipulate variables.
  • You'll get hands-on experience with handling button events.
  • You'll learn how to track and display dynamic values in the console for debugging

  • 7. Conclusion
    This project serves as a simple introduction to event-driven programming in JavaScript, ideal for beginners.