Higher Order Components (HOCs) in React.js

Higher Order Components (HOCs) are an advanced pattern in React that allows you to reuse component logic. An HOC is a function that takes a component as an argument and returns a new component with additional functionality or props. Essentially, HOCs provide a way to enhance components by wrapping them, without modifying the original component’s logic.

What is a Higher Order Component (HOC)?

A Higher Order Component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component. It allows you to separate concerns by extracting logic that can be shared across multiple components into a reusable function.


					const EnhancedComponent = higherOrderComponent(WrappedComponent);

  • WrappedComponent: The original component that you want to enhance.
  • higherOrderComponent: A function that takes the original component as input and returns a new component with added features or behavior.
  • EnhancedComponent: The new component created by the HOC, which wraps the original one.

  • Why Use Higher Order Components?

    HOCs are useful in scenarios where:
  • You need to reuse component logic across multiple components.
  • You want to add cross-cutting concerns like logging, authentication, data fetching, etc., to components without modifying their internal code.
  • You want to enhance or extend the behavior of a component in a clean, reusable way

  • Example of a Higher Order Component

    Let’s create a simple HOC that adds logging functionality to any component to track when it is mounted.

    Basic HOC Example:

    					import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
    // Higher Order Component (HOC)
    function withLogging(WrappedComponent) {
      return function EnhancedComponent(props) {
        useEffect(() => {
          console.log(`${WrappedComponent.name} is mounted`);
          return () => {
            console.log(`${WrappedComponent.name} is unmounted`);
        }, []);
        return <WrappedComponent {...props} />;
    // Original Component
    function UserProfile({ name }) {
      return <h2>User Profile: {name}</h2>;
    // Enhance UserProfile with logging
    const UserProfileWithLogging = withLogging(UserProfile);
    function App() {
      return <UserProfileWithLogging name="Alice" />;
    export default App;
    Key Points:
  • Logging HOC: The withLogging HOC adds console logging to track the lifecycle of the WrappedComponent.
  • Reusable Logic: The logging logic is reusable for any component by wrapping it with withLogging.
  • Props Forwarding: The HOC passes down all the props ({...props}) it receives to the wrapped component (WrappedComponent).
  • Common Use Cases for HOCs
  • Authentication: Wrapping components to ensure only authenticated users can access them.
  • Permission Control: Adding role-based access control to components.
  • Data Fetching: Automatically fetching data from an API and injecting the data into the component.
  • Enhancing UI: Adding behaviors like tracking user interactions, logging, or modifying styles dynamically.

  • Creating a Data Fetching HOC

    Let’s create a simple HOC that automatically fetches data from an API and provides the data as props to the wrapped component.
    Data Fetching HOC Example:
    					import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
    // Higher Order Component for data fetching
    function withDataFetching(WrappedComponent, url) {
      return function EnhancedComponent(props) {
        const [data, setData] = useState(null);
        const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
        useEffect(() => {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => {
        }, [url]);
        return loading ? <p>Loading...</p> : <WrappedComponent data={data} {...props} />;
    // Original Component
    function UserList({ data }) {
      return (
          {data.map(user => (
            <li key={user.id}>{user.name}</li>
    // Enhance UserList with data fetching
    const UserListWithData = withDataFetching(UserList, 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users');
    function App() {
      return <UserListWithData />;
    export default App;
    Key Points:
  • Data Fetching HOC: The withDataFetching HOC automatically fetches data from the given url and provides the fetched data to the wrapped component (UserList).
  • Separation of Concerns: The data-fetching logic is separated from the display logic of the UserList component.
  • Reusability: The HOC can be reused for any component by passing in different components and different API URLs.

  • Prop Forwarding and HOCs

    One important aspect of HOCs is props forwarding. The HOC should ensure that all props passed to the enhanced component are forwarded to the wrapped component, so it doesn’t lose access to the data it needs.
    Props Forwarding in HOCs:
    					function withEnhancement(WrappedComponent) {
      return function EnhancedComponent(props) {
        // You must forward props to ensure WrappedComponent gets the necessary data
        return <WrappedComponent {...props} />;

    Adding Props in HOCs

    Sometimes, you may want to add additional props or modify existing ones in the HOC. For example, you can add a new prop or inject state into the wrapped component.
    Example: Adding a Prop in an HOC
    					function withExtraProps(WrappedComponent) {
      return function EnhancedComponent(props) {
        // Adding a new prop
        const extraProp = { theme: 'dark' };
        return <WrappedComponent {...props} {...extraProp} />;

    Benefits of Using HOCs

    Code Reusability: HOCs allow you to reuse common logic across multiple components, improving code maintainability.

    Separation of Concerns: By isolating logic (like data fetching or authentication) into HOCs, you keep your components focused on rendering UI, making the code cleaner.

    Abstraction: HOCs provide a layer of abstraction, letting you modify component behavior without altering the component itself.

    Potential Drawbacks of HOCs

    Increased Complexity: Overuse of HOCs can make the codebase difficult to follow, especially if multiple HOCs are nested.

    Naming Conflicts: Props from the HOC can potentially conflict with the props of the wrapped component.

    Performance Issues: Excessive nesting of HOCs can lead to performance bottlenecks due to unnecessary renders.

    Best Practices for Using HOCs

    Use Sparingly: Avoid using HOCs excessively. Instead, prefer hooks (useEffect, useState, etc.) or Context API when applicable.

    Descriptive Naming: Give your HOCs meaningful names that describe what they enhance or modify.

    Handle Prop Conflicts: Ensure that props passed through the HOC don't overwrite the wrapped component's props unless intended.

    Avoid Side Effects in HOCs: Try to avoid putting side effects (e.g., network requests) directly in HOCs. Use hooks within HOCs for side effects like data fetching.


    Higher Order Components (HOCs) are a powerful tool in React for reusing logic across multiple components without modifying the original components. They provide a clean and modular way to enhance component functionality, whether it’s adding logging, data fetching, or authentication. However, like any powerful tool, they should be used judiciously to avoid over-complicating your codebase.
